With a passion for all things interiors, I love to help people make their house a home in a way that's unique to them. Scroll through my journal for helpful hints, tips and tricks to weave individual style through your spaces.

Step into my Boudoir...
Luke Davies Luke Davies

Step into my Boudoir...

Fancy a snoop around our bedchamber? This room is all about luxurious textures and rich colours, with a carefully woven variety of features making it ultra-soothing at bedtime yet zesty enough to get you up in the morning!

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Pillow Talk
Luke Davies Luke Davies

Pillow Talk

I love creating bedrooms mostly because, given the opportunity, I would spend most of my life in them - I LOVE my BED! It's still my favourite place to be - mostly cozy with a cat or two, lying in the spring sunshine, thinking about getting up...for hours...

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Crafty Lady
Luke Davies Luke Davies

Crafty Lady

We're back to take a look at all those special, hand-crafted elements that can really bring a room to LIFE! Some are more complex than others sure, but there's loads you can try your hand at to make your space feel more personal - let's explore!

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Be Our Guest
Luke Davies Luke Davies

Be Our Guest

And now for something completely DIFFERENT! I'm so excited to take you on a tour of our guest room, where I've gone absolutely balls-to-the-wall WILD! Let's jump in feet first shall we?

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It's Personal
success story Luke Davies success story Luke Davies

It's Personal

Today we're talking Making a House a Home! This is all about heart. A good place to start if you're totally floundering is to consider which sense is your strongest. "That's a weird thing to say Hazel, what the chuff do you mean?!" OK take me: I'm a very VISUAL person, so what makes ME happy is seeing things: art, colour, pattern, DISPLAY!

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You've Been Framed!
success story Luke Davies success story Luke Davies

You've Been Framed!

Today I thought we'd dive into "framing" your room. Now, I realise that my brain works differently from other people's so maybe it's helpful to start with how I literally see the world...

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BIG Decisions!
success story Luke Davies success story Luke Davies

BIG Decisions!

Are you ready to delve in?! First I thought we'd explore the bigger items and how the scheme started coming together, then I'll take you through all the handmade details that make it extra special. Sound good? Let's go!

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Down the Rabbit Hole
tips Luke Davies tips Luke Davies

Down the Rabbit Hole

Well it feels like a LONG time coming but today I can finally share with you our full-on, unapologetic, super-EXTRA, rather maximalist Expert Touch HOME!

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