Pillow Talk

I love creating bedrooms mostly because, given the opportunity, I would spend most of my life in them - I LOVE my BED!

Now you wouldn't know it to look at me, but I spent a large part of my youth mostly house-bound, and largely bed-bound, by chronic illness. Don't feel sad - I wouldn't change where I've come from because it's played a huge part in making me who I am today, namely:

  • Creative - because I lived in my head a LOT

  • Open - as hiding who you are and how you're feeling helps NOBODY

  • Honest - it played a massive part in my healing, and

  • Spontaneous - because life can change in an instant, so you might as well seize happiness TODAY!

It also gave me a lot of time looking at 4 walls, and knowing I could relapse at any time drives me to create spaces that I wouldn't mind being stuck in. Everyone's got their reasons! Despite having spent YEARS more than most folk in my bed, oddly enough it's still my favourite place to be - mostly cozy with a cat or two, lying in the spring sunshine, thinking about getting up...for hours...

So what I personally LOVE in a bedroom is visual weight - rich colours; texture and pattern you can get lost in; heavy fabrics; depth and, of course, layers! This I Love Wallpaper Onyx Marble was love at first sight - on all 4 walls it just completely envelopes you and I swear your heartbeat slows, instant zen.

I honestly can't see me EVER tiring of looking at the stunning richness of Harlequin's Amazilia Velvet - I even had a scrap left over from making the curtains and headboard to squeeze two wee cushions out of! It comes in a few different colour-ways too, so something for every taste. When I'm looking for bedspreads I always head straight to John Lewis - this dark grey velvet one was a MUST.

The keen-eyed among you may have noticed a few familiar elements too, because while distinctly different room designs make for a fascinating visual trip around a house, what the brain craves is familiarity. Weaving a subtle thread through your home can work wonders, for example I've:

  • Used the reverse side of the Roma fabric from the guest room here in the master bedroom

  • Mirrored the same dark woodwork upstairs and down

  • Chosen to use the same art deco door handles throughout the whole house

  • Echoed the same wall lights between both bedrooms and the lounge

It's simple but very effective! Choose a few of your favourite features and use them to tie your home together.

Next time we'll be taking a close-up look at some of those scroll-stopping pieces, not to be missed!

Luke Davies

Freelance graphic and web designer based in South Wales.


Step into my Boudoir...


Crafty Lady